SOLD OUT! Dance Day with Amy Glass-Bailey

Saturday, April 13, 2024
9:30 AM to 4:30 PM

San Diego ‘N’ Line Dancers Are Proud to Present
Dance Day with Amy Glass-Bailey

Our doors will open at the Balboa Park Club Ballroom at 9:15 AM, dancing begins at 9:30 AM and ends at 4:30 PM. This ballroom has the best wood dance floor in San Diego. The first teach will be at 10:15 AM. All levels of line dance will be taught so there will be something for everyone.

Jody Kravitz will be our DJ.

Soft drinks, coffee and bottled water are available for $1.00

Please contribute to our potluck table (individually wrapped if possible) or bring your own snack .

Balboa Park Club Ballroom
2150 Pan American Road West
San Diego, CA 92101

Please Note

Face masks are strongly recommended at SDNLD events. Please visit the San Diego County web page for complete information.


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San Diego 'N' Line Dancers Liability Statement

I agree that unless stated otherwise, my email address will be the sole means by which SDNLD communicates with me and that it is my responsibility to ensure that mail sent from reaches my email box.

I understand I may not opt out of receiving notices of official SDNLD business such as resolutions, elections and similar communications that require membership votes or approval.

I agree to hold the San Diego 'N' Line Dancers and the organizers of their events and their agents harmless from all suits, claims, or demands of every kind and character arising out of and in conjunction with said events. I hereby authorize the reproduction, sale and copyright, exhibition, broadcast, and/or distribution of any videotape or photograph without limitations.